Kinesiology Taping

What is Kinesiology Tape?

Kinesiology Tape is a specially designed adhesive tape designed to stretch in only one direction. It is designed to mimic the skins elasticity. It was originally developed by a Japanese Chiropractor who wanted a tape that provided support but didn’t limit movement the way traditional athletic tape does. If you’ve watched sports like competitive running or volleyball you have probably seen it, strips of colorful tape across shoulders, backs, knees and abs.

Fun Fact

Kinesio tape was invented by a Japanese chiropractor in the 1970’s named Kenzo Kase.

What does Kinesiology tape do?

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    provide support
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    lessen pain
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    reduce swelling
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    improve performance
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    speed healing

What Conditions can be treated with Kinesiology tape?

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    joint sprain
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    muscle strain
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    joint inflammation
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    abnormal posture
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    sports injury
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    joint instability
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    Trigger Points
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    knee pain
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    IT band syndrome

How Does Kinesiology tape work?

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    creates space in joints
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    changes signals on pain pathways
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    improves circulation of blood and fluids

When the tape is applied to your body it recoils slightly, gently lifting your skin. The tape changes the information your sensory nervous system is sending about pain and compression in your body. If you’ve been injured, kinesiology tape can improve blood flow and circulation of lymphatic fluid. When kinesiology tape is applied, it creates extra subcutaneous space, which changes the pressure gradient in the area underneath the skin. Studies show that when kinesiology tape is applied over the knee, it increased space in the knee joint, similar studies show kinesiology tape also increased the space in the shoulder joint.

What is Kinesiology Tape used for at Advanced Spine & Posture?

Treating injuries

Physical therapists sometimes use kinesiology taping as one part of an overall treatment plan for people who’ve been injured. The American Physical Therapy Association reports that kinesiology taping is most effective when it’s used in conjunction with other treatments like manual therapy. The tape can be applied along fluid drainage channels in such a way as to actually increase fluid flow allowing the body to flush out inflammation associated with an injury. This can aid in reducing swelling, pain and increasing the healing rate.

Supporting weak zones

Kinesiology tape is also used to add extra support to muscles or joints that need it. This tape can be applied to limit joint range of motion. Because it stretches you can still do some movements but it can prevent you from going into a position that could cause more injury or pain. In this way you can remain active but still be protected from secondary injury. Unlike white medical or athletic tape, kinesiology tape lets you move normally. In fact, some studies show that it can enhance movement and endurance. Studies on athletes have shown that when kinesiology tape is used on fatigued muscles, performance improves.

Re-educating muscles

Kinesiology tape can help retrain muscles that have lost function or that have gotten used to an unhealthy way of working. For example, kinesiology taping can be used to correct posture in your head and neck. And a 2017 study supports using it to help stroke patients improve the way they walk. the tape can be used act as a “reminder” allowing your body to move without restriction as long as it is within a normal range of posture but applying a pull back if you should unconsciously move out of position. Utilizing the body’s proprioceptors the tape can be used to improve posture.

Enhancing performance

Some athletes use kinesiology taping to help them achieve peak performance and protect against injury when they’re competing in special events. In much the same way as it can correct posture the tape can be applied as a “coach” to finesse complex movements such as a squat, a throw, or any other athletic activity. Similar to the feedback you might get from a coach watching you move the tape can provide your brain with input that helps fine tune movement patterns. This can improve athletic performance and help prevent injuries.

Managing scars

Although you should never use kinesiology tape on an open wound, there is some scientific evidence to suggest that kinesiology tape can improve the long-term appearance of scars after surgery or injury.

How to Apply Kinesiology tape

There are some circumstances in which kinesiology tape should not be used. You should always consult with a physical therapist who is trained in the proper application of kinesiology tape before you try to put it on yourself. Taping is not a permanent solution. You want to build your strength and skill, because correcting the root problem is key. Before using it, you should talk to a physical therapist, because it’s most useful when combined with other treatment methods.

Schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists to find out if Kinesiology Tape is right for you.

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